Bibliographic record of the Book chapter

Searched author:

Amozurrutia de Maria y Campos, José Antonio (Centro de Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias en Ciencias y Humanidades)

Authors: Amozurrutia de Maria y Campos, José Antonio; Frey, Barbara y Payne, Leigh
Chapter title: A sociocybernetic Approach to Engancing Research Reflexivity: an Epistemology Model for Social Análisis. (39 paginas)
Book title: A sociocybernetic Approach to Engancing Research Reflexivity: an Epistemology Model for Social Análisis. (39 paginas)
Country: Portugal
Place of publication: Lisbora, portugar ye ingraterra
Publisher: Cambridge Scholarz Publishing
Year of publication: 2018
Series or collection: Manuel Lisboa y Dalila Cerejo de Universidad Portugal
ISBN of the book: 978-1-5375-0901-6
Format: Impreso