
Elizabeth Gutiérrez Romero, Master

Professor Romero is the academic secretary of the Center for Research on North America, and a researcher in its Area of Globality Studies. She received her master’s in economics from the Colegio de México’s Center for Economic Studies.

She is a professor in the UNAM School of Political and Social Sciences, where she teaches a course on Mexican relations with the United States and Canada in the undergraduate international relations program.

Outstanding among her publications are the following articles: “Toronto, neoliberalismo y competitividad en la reestructuración productiva de los servicios” (Toronto, Neoliberalism and Competitiveness in the Productive Restructuring of Services), in Olivera Martínez Patricia Eugenia, ed., Polarización Social en la Ciudad Contemporánea. El reescalamiento de los espacios del neoliberalismo (Mexico City: FFy L-UNAM, 2013); “La experiencia canadiense de la concentración espacial de los servicios al productor” (The Canadian Experience in Spatial Concentration of Services for Producers), Norteamérica. Revista académica 6, no. 1 (June 2011); “Barack Obama: entre la crisis económica y la crisis electoral” (Barack Obama: Between Economic Crisis and Electoral Crisis), in the on-line journal Escenarios XXI no. 9 (May 2011); “Los cien días de Obama, entre la crisis económica y la agenda latinoamericana” (Obama’s Hundred Days, between Economic Crisis and the Latin American Agenda), Cuadernos Americanos 4, no. 130 (CIALC-UNAM, October-November 2009); “Dinámicas y procesos de integración en los servicios al productor: tendencias en las principales ciudades de América del Norte” (Integration Dynamics and Processes in Services for Producers: Trends in the Main North American Cities), in Alejandro Mercado, M. Alfie, and G. Martínez-Zalce, eds., Procesos regionales en América del Norte (Regional Processes in North America) (Mexico City: Eón/AMEC/UAM-Azcapotzalco, 2007).

With Alejandro Mercado, she co-edited the book Fronteras en América del Norte. Estudios multidisciplinarios (Frontiers in North America: Multi-Disciplinary Studies) (Mexico City: CISAN-UNAM, 2004).

In addition to her writings in academic journals, she has contributed the following articles to publications for wider distribution: “The Insertion of Migrants in the U.S. Labor Market. Some Traits of Undocumented Mexican Migration”, Voices of Mexico, no. 100, cisan-unam (en prensa); “The Economy, an Ongoing Concern for the Obama Administration, Voices of Mexico, no. 96 (Spring-Summer, 2013), cisan-unam; “Economic Crisis and Regional and Sectoral Impacts,” Voices of Mexico no. 85 (May-August 2009); “The Balance Sheet of the Bush Administration’s Multilateral Trade Negotiations,” Voices of Mexico no. 83 (September-December 2008), CISAN-UNAM.

Main lines of research:

    ● Estudios Económicos y estructura económica en América del Norte
    ● Política Comercial y Mercados de trabajo
    ● Estudios regionales en América del Norte


56-23-03-00 al 56-23-03-09