
Elisa Dávalos López, Ph.D.

Professor Dávalos received her doctorate in international economic relations from the Autonomous Metropolitan University (UAM) and her master’s in economics from the UNAM. She is also a full-time, tenured researcher in the CISAN Area of Integration Studies. Her research covers topics involving transnational companies, global productive networks, and foreign direct investment in the United States, Mexico, and Canada, as well as the Canadian economy.

She has received awards like the Medal for Academic Merit in her doctoral studies at the UAM and the Faculty Research Award 1998, given by the Canadian Embassy in Mexico and the International Council for Canadian Studies. She teaches North American economy at the UNAM School of Economics and is a thesis advisor for master’s and doctoral candidates in the UNAM School of Political and Social Sciences Graduate Program, as well as in master’s candidates in Mexico-U.S. Studies at the UNAM School of Higher Learning (FES), Acatlán campus.

She has authored several publications, including the books Multinacionales e inversión extranjera directa mundial. Análisis a través de los bloques regionales (Multinationals and World Foreign Direct Invetment. An Analysis through the Regional Blocs) (Mexico City: CISAN-UNAM, 2012) and Las relaciones económicas interprovinciales en Canadá (Inter-provincial Economic Relations in Canada) (Mexico City: CISAN-UNAM, 2005). Together with Isaac Minian, she compiled the book Redes globales y regionales de producción (Global and Regional Production Networks) (Mexico City: IIE-CISAN-UNAM, 2012). She has also written many book chapters and articles, outstanding among which is “Los procesos de integración en América Latina dentro del nuevo escenario geoeconómico multipolar. Los casos del ALCA, el ALBA y el Mercosur” (Integration Processes in Latin America in the New Multipolar Geo-Economic Scenario. The Cases of the FTAA, the ALBA, and Mercosur), in Rosío Vargas and José Luis Valdés, comps., Dos modelos de integración energética. América del Norte/América del Sur (Two Models of Energy Integration. North America/South America) (Mexico City: CISAN-UNAM, 2007).

Other publications include “De la política de substitución de importaciones a la apertura económica en Canadá y América Latina: puntos de convergencia en la realidad económica” (From Import Substitution to Economic Opening in Canada and Latin America: Points of Convergence in Economic Reality) (Mexico City: Plaza y Valdés-UAS, 1998); “Neoliberalismo y tercera política nacional en Canadá: algunas reflexiones sobre las economías provinciales” (Neoliberalism and Third National Policy in Canada: Some Reflections on the Provincial Economies), in El conservadurismo en Estados Unidos y Canadá: tendencias y perspectivas hacia el fin del milenio (Conservatism in the United States and Canada: Tendencies and Perspectives with a View to the End of the Millennium) (Mexico City: CISAN-UNAM, 1998); “Internal Trade Barriers: A Peculiar Challenge for the Canadian Economy,” Voices of Mexico 41 (October-December 1997).

Main lines of research:



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