
Pedro Salazar Ugarte, Ph.D.

Law degree from ITAM and PhD in Political Philosophy from the University of Turin Italy. Full Time Researcher at the Institute of Legal Research of the UNAM (since 2003). He was Academic Secretary of that institute from 2008 to 2010 and Secretary of its Internal Council during the same period. He is currently the Director of the Institute and a member of the National System of Researchers (Level III).

Professor of theory of the constitution, theory of democracy and human rights at the Faculty of Law of the UNAM. He has taught master and doctoral courses in several national higher education institutions. He has also been a visiting professor at the University of Turin, Aosta and Siena in Italy and at the Center for Political and Constitutional Studies in Madrid. He has developed research stays in Italy and Argentina. He is a member of the Seminar on Constitutional Theory of Latin America (SELA) sponsored by Yale University. He has participated in seminars and lectures in Mexico, the United States, Germany, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Spain, Italy, Venezuela and Paraguay.

He was Coordinator of the Benito Juárez Extraordinary Chair of UNAM and the Ibero-American Institute of Constitutional Law (2012-2014). He is also a member of the Special Commission of the Academic Council of Social Sciences of the UNAM and the University Commission for Research-Teaching University Linkage.

He is a member of the Advisory Council of the Committee for the Commemoration of the Centennial of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, of the Consultative Assembly of the National Council for Preventing Discrimination (CONAPRED), of the Governing Board of the Institute for Studies on Democratic Transition (IETD), of the Mexican Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation AC, of the Editorial Committee of the ISONOMÍA Magazine and of the Editorial Committee of the Italian Journal Political Theory.

Among his books are: Law and Power. Rights and guarantees (Fontamara, 2013), Critique of the Hard Hand. How to face violence and preserve our freedoms (Ocean 2012); The Constitutional Reform of Human Rights. A new paradigm (coordinated with Miguel Carbonell in 2012); The Constitutional Democracy. A theoretical radiography (FCE-UNAM 2006); The right to freedom of expression against the right to non-discrimination (co-authored with Rodrigo Gutiérrez, CONAPRED-UNAM 2003); The Mechanics of Political Change (co-authored by Ricardo Becerra and José Woldenberg, Cal y Arena, 2000). He has written and coordinated books with Miguel Carbonell, Lorenzo Córdova, Ciro Murayama and Pauline Capdevielle.

Permanent collaborator of the newspaper El Universal and of the Nexos Magazine. He has been the host of TV programs on TV UNAM, Canal 11, Canal Judicial, Canal del Congreso and Canal 40.

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