
María del Rosío Vargas Suárez, Ph.D.

Professor Vargas received her doctorate in 2003 from the UNAM Energy Engineering Graduate Program. She was a fulltime researcher at the Colegio de México Energy Program from 1984 to 1988. From 1989 until today, she has been a fulltime researcher at CISAN. She is a member of the National System of Researchers. At CISAN, she was the coordinator of the Mexico-United States Area from 1997 to 2000, and later of the Globality Studies Area (2001 to 2009). She is a professor in the International Relations Graduate Program of the UNAM School of Political and Social Sciences and at the School of Higher Learning (FES), Aragón campus. In 2012, she was invited to give a seminar in the doctoral program in energy and development at the San Simon Higher University in Cochabamba, Bolivia.

She has to her credit more than 100 publications, including books, book chapters, and articles of different kinds dealing with her main research topic, the U.S. energy sector and its implications for Mexico. Her most recent book is El papel de México en la integración y la seguridad energética de Norteamérica (Mexico’s Role in North American Integration and Energy Security) (Mexico City: cisan/unam, 2014). Among the recent book chapters and articles she has authored are the following: “El contexto geopolítico y la iniciativa de Reforma Energética (re) del PRIAN” (The Geopolitical Context and the Energy Reform Initiative), in Jaime Cárdenas Gracia, comp. Reforma Energética. Análisis y Consecuencias (Energy Reform. Analysis and Consequences) (Mexico City: Tirant lo Blanch, 2015); ”Geopolítica del shale gas y el tight oil en Norteamérica” (The Geopolitics of Shale Gas and Tight Oil in North America), in Arturo Oropeza, comp., Reforma Energética y Desarrollo Industrial. Un compromiso Inaplazable (Energy Reform and Industrial Development. A Commitment that Cannot Be Postponed) (Mexico City: Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas/unam, and Instituto para el Desarrollo Industrial y el Crecimiento Económico, 2015); “Reforma energética. De servicio Público a Modelo de Negocios” (Energy Reform. From Public Service to Business Model), Política y Cultura no. 43, Spring 2015; “La integración de América del Norte: contratos petroleros” (The Integration of North America: Oil Contracts), Petroquimex, year 12, no. 76, July-August 2015; “El precio del petróleo y las consecuencias para México” (The Price of Oil and the Consequences for Mexico), Petroquimex, year 12, no. 75, May-June 2015; “El shale gas, un proyecto geopolítico de cobertura mundial” (Shale Gas, a Geopolitical Project for World Coverage), Petroquimex , year 12, no. 78, November-December 2015; “La Reforma Energética: a 20 años del tlcan” (The Energy Reform, 20 Years after nafta), Problemas del Desarrollo, vol. 46, no. 180, January-March 2015.

Professor Vargas has participated in more than 20 international conferences held in the United States; Berlin; Santiago de Chile; São Paulo, Brazil; Ho Chi Minh City; and Mexico City. Her most recent keynote speech was part of the seminar “ El caleidoscopio de la Reforma en Materia de Hidrocarburos: retos y perspectivas” (The Kaleidoscope of the Reform in Hydrocarbons: Challenges and Perspectives), organized by the unam Institute for Legal Research, the University of Tamaulipas, and the unam Center for Social Research, held June 16 and 17, 2015.

In Mexico, she has participated as a presenter or keynote speaker at 126 events, including seminars and round table discussions.

Among the prizes and honors she has received is first place for a research stay at Harvard University, awarded by the Center for International and Foreign Affairs and the Fundación México at Harvard (1991); she was invited to be part of the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council’s International Advisors Group (1997); she was selected together with a group of nine other Mexicans by the U.S. Embassy in Mexico and the U.S. State Department to participate in the Partners in Trade Working Group. Progress through Understanding (1992); and she was part of a group of advisors to the Commission for Environmental Cooperation, of Montreal, Canada (2001).

She has spent several research stays at the California State University at Los Angeles, awarded her by the United States-Mexico Chamber of Commerce under the Good Neighbor Internship Program in 1999. From October 2010 to September 2011, she spent another research stay at the São Paulo, Brazil University Center for Energy and Electro-technology.

Main lines of research:



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