
Lourdes Arizpe Schlosser, Ph.D.

Currently Professor-researcher of the Regional Center for Multidisciplinary Research UNAM. She has studies in History, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, UNAM, 1965; Certificate of French Studies, University of Geneva, Switzerland, 1964; Master's Degree in Ethnology, National School of Anthropology and History, 1966-70; Doctorate in Social Anthropology, London School of Economics and Political Science, 1971-75.

Professor-researcher, El Colegio de México, 1972-85; Academic Coordinator, Department of Sociology, El Colegio de México, 1975-77; Consultant, World Labor Organization, 1979-81; Visiting Researcher, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex 1980-82; Director, National Museum of Popular Cultures, 1985-88; Professor-researcher, Regional Center for Multidisciplinary Research (CRIM) of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), 1988-89; * Director, Institute of Anthropological Research, (UNAM), 1991-94; * Deputy Director General for Culture, UNESCO, 1994-98; Member of Advisory Committee for the Environment of the International Council for Science (ICSU) 1995-To date, Consultant for the International Convention on Intangible Heritage of Unesco, 1999. Vice-President of the International Council of Social Sciences (ISSC). 1998-2000, re-elected for the period 2002-2002. Distinguished Professor of the Andrés Bello Chair of the Rey Juan Carlos Center of the University of New York, February to June 2002. President of the International Council of Social Sciences, 2003-2005, re-elected for the period 2005-2008.

Fulbright-Hays Scholarship, 1978; John D. Guggenheim Scholarship, 1982; Benigno Aquino Award for distinguished service to developing countries, William and Mary College, United States; Medal for distinguished service in the field of culture, Ministry of Culture of, Pakistan; Honorary Member, Royal Anthropology Institute, England, 1998; Special session at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association on the work of Lourdes Arizpe. National Researcher Level III, of the National System of Researchers 1998-2002. Elected President of the Human Rights and Public Liberties Board. Commission for the Reform of the State (CERE) August to November 2001. Level "D" of the Premium Program for the Performance of Full-time Academic Staff of the UNAM. 2001. Considered to include his biography in Issue No. 19 of Who's Who in the World 2001. Full-time visiting professor at the "Center on Latin American and Caribbean Studies of the Graduate School of Arts and Science". Semester Spring 2002. Recognition Laureana Wright, as Wise Woman of Mexico, Mexican Society of Geography and Statistics, National Academy of Women, March 7, 2003. Prize Lourdes Arizpe in Anthropology and Environment, 2004. Member of the Borrad of Trastees de la Library of Alexandria, 2005.

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Main lines of research:

    ● Cultura y desarrollo
    ● Diversidad cultural
    ● Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial