Mario Humberto Ruz Sosa, Ph.D.
Mexican, medical surgeon (UNAM, 1977), master in Social Anthropology (UIA, 1981) and doctor in Ethnology (EHESS, Paris 1985). Researcher of the Center for Mayan Studies of the Philological Research Institute since 1978.
He has carried out ethnological research with contemporary Mayan Mesoamerican ethnicities in Mexico and Guatemala, as well as ethnohistorical and historical linguistics in records of Guatemala, Spain, Italy, France, Vatican City, United States and Mexico.
Author and / or editor of about 60 books and more than one hundred articles and book chapters [in Spanish, French, Italian, Russian and English] about his areas of expertise.
Professor at UNAM, Paris X and Paris VIII, National of San Carlos of Guatemala, Complutense of Madrid, State of New York, Autonomous of Yucatán, Autonomous of Baja California, Autonomous of Zacatecas, INALCO (Paris), FLACSO Ecuador,ENAH and other institutions. He has advised several undergraduate, master's and doctoral theses and gave lectures in national and foreign forums (France, Russia, Costa Rica, Italy, Guatemala, USA, Argentina, Spain, Ecuador, Chile, etc.).
Member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences and the National System of Researchers (Level III), in 1989 he obtained the Francisco J. Clavijero Award (Best Research in History, INAH), in 1992 the National Social Science Research Award (AIC) In 1999 the Chiapas Prize in Sciences and in 2002 the Prize National University for research in Humanities (UNAM). In 2015 he was elected member of the Mexican Academy of History.
Main lines of research:
● Antropología y etnología maya ● Historia de los pueblos mayas en las etapas coloniales ● Etnología de los pueblos mayas